Course Matching – Spring 2026

The faculty members teaching the courses listed below would like to offer their course as a Globally Connected Course in spring of the 2025-26 academic year and are looking for a course partner from an Alliance institution. Course descriptions will be added as they are submitted.

The courses are organized by academic division, but you are encouraged to think creatively and expansively about how GCC programming could enhance your course. Some of the richest course connections are cross-disciplinary, so you are strongly encouraged to search broadly.

If you are interested, please contact the instructor to explore connecting their course to a course you teach. Visit the Global Course Connections page for information on how to submit a course description and how to submit a connection proposal.

Also review the list of courses for fall 2025.

AFST-20037 – Women, Culture, and Power in Africa
Miriam Kilimo, [email protected], The College of Wooster
How did women access political power in precolonial Africa? What role did African women play in liberation struggles? How are African women today agitating for increased political spaces? This course invites students to explore African women’s experiences in light of cultural, economic, and political transformations on the continent. Students will engage with African feminist thought and explore African women’s writing and histories. We will examine how the experiences of African women were influenced by forces such as colonialism, independence struggles, women’s movements, political activism, human rights discourses, development aid, among others. Throughout the course, we will see how African women have shaped their communities and cultivated spaces for agency, autonomy, and renewal amidst hegemonic cultural and political forces. [Expected enrollment: 10]